Interfaith Picnic for Great Big Green Week, 9th June 2024, St John’s Waterloo

Join us on Sunday, 9 June, at St John’s in Waterloo, London, from 1 pm – 4 pm, to kick off the Great Big Green Week. Featuring face-painting, a treasure hunt, recycling rounders, a butterfly puzzle, clothes & toy swap stalls, music, dance, a photo exhibition, and more. Bring a plant-based picnic to share!

Faith for the Climate

Great Big Green Week

Faith for the Climate Workshops

21 May, 5.30-7.30pm: Faiths for Climate Justice Free Online Workshop
22 May, 5.30-7.30pm: Faiths for Climate Justice Free Online Workshop

Choose one of these two dates. More details and registrations here

Do you want to know what “climate justice” means? Are you keen to find out how a justice-centered approach addresses the climate crisis? Are you looking for a welcoming space where you can bring your unique spiritual and/or religious motivations to tackle the climate emergency? If you’re based in the UK, these workshops are designed to help you address these questions and be part of a community of action.