Environment Resources

Faith Resources

CAFOD Prayer for Creation Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deWzXXTQLf8&t=77s

Journey to 2030 Wildlife Pages – put biodiversity in a parish context as well as the link to the WWF State of the planet report: https://journeyto2030.org/parish/outdoor-spaces/

The Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si’ by Fr Josh of the Dicastery for Human Development. https://lsri.campion.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/inline-files/The%20Ten%20Green%20Commandments%20of%20Laudato%20Si%27%20PDF.pdf

Prayerbook for the Climate and Ecological Emergency
Jon Swales
How can we pray in the face of climate breakdown?

DVD – Stations of the Forests
Columban JPIC
An audio-visual lamenting devastation of rainforests and tribal people.  A Resource Booklet provides agendas and reflections for meetings.
£7.00 inclusive of p&p or download from http:// www.columbans.co.uk/resources/ dvd-video/stations-of-therainforests/

‘On Care for our Common Home’ – 6th Form Syllabus from the Ecological Conversion Group
This can also be used as a study guide for Laudato Si’ for parishes.


A Creed for Today: Faith and Commitment for our New Earth Awareness
Donal Dorr
Concern for environmental issues is at the heart of the Christian Gospel.
Veritas ISBN: 978-1847309389

A Bigger Picture
By Vanessa Nakate
An inspirational book by an inspirational young climate campaigner from Uganda. Nakate describes succinctly how Africa is the continent that produces the least greenhouse gasses but will suffer the most from uncontrolled global warming. Despite starting to receive worldwide attention she still has to struggle against apparent racism and being taken seriously.
ISBN-13  978-0358654506

Creation and the Cross: The Mercy of God for a Planet in Peril
Elizabeth A. Johnson
How can we extend the Christian belief in salvation to include all created beings? Johnson invites us to consider what cosmic redemption might mean in our own time?  ISBN-10: 162698266X

Every Bush Aflame
John Feehan, Veritas Publications
A book exploring the origins of biodiversity in Christian theology and its roots in our growing scientific understanding of the true nature and scale of life’s complexity and diversity. Also, exploring the implications of all this for the kind of Christian response called for in Laudato Si’. Emphasis is laid on the importance of personal encounter with the natural world. 
ISBN: 9781847309488

Riders on the Storm
Alastair McIntosh
An ecologist and Quaker, McIntosh sees climate change as a threat which can be met. It presents us with risk and also with opportunity. Subtitled, ‘The Climate Crisis and the Survival of Beings’ he offers a profusion of ideas, written with insight, honesty and wit. Sir Jonathan Porritt has described it as “inbued with the deepest hope for a better world.”  ISBN-13:978-1780276397

Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World.
Dr Katherine Hayhoe
Dr Hayhoe writes as a person of faith and as a scientist about both the peril of the climate crisis and why we can still have hope. She draws connections between the scientific facts and our hope for healing a fragmented world.
ISBN-13 978-1982143831

The Unsustainable Truth: How Investing for the Future is Destroying the Planet and What to Do About It
by David Ko, Richard Busellato
Is investing itself the problem? Our lives are split between living every day and accumulating money for our future. We have over $100 trillion invested, more than the size of the global economy, and the planet can no longer produce enough to keep this growing. Our savings are killing the planet. What can we do about it?
ISBN: 9781784529598


A six-session course for groups. A mixture of videos, interviews, book extracts, and questions for discussion. Produced by FaithJustice, with input from the Passionists, Jesuits, Operation Noah, and Christian Climate Action.

Other Resources

A United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) synthesis report entitled: ‘Making Peace with Nature’ has identified three existential environmental threats – climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution – and discusses how they need to be addressed together to achieve sustainability.” https://www.unep.org/resources/making-peace-nature

Exploitation of the Earth, Exploitation of People
Revd Dr John Weaver
This Briefing No.45 of the John Ray Initiative considers the impact of climate change on the poorest people of the world, the economic and political systems which contribute to increased vulnerability and forced migration, and the ‘love of God, love of neighbour’ which compels Christians to consider their engagement with these issues.

Wreckers of the Earth: 300 London-based Companies destroying the planet
Corporate Watch
London is home to fossil fuel giants and to many of the worst mining polluters. It is the world’s second-largest financial centre and a key financial marketplace for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and for trading oil, metals, minerals and other “commodities”. The legacy of the British Empire still continues in the infrastructure and services London offers: insurance markets, law firms, arms dealers, PR agencies, and investment property.

Green New Deal
New Economics Foundation
The UK needs a more just economy and more ambitious plans for climate action. The Green New Deal addresses economic, social and environmental crises together.

Buried truth about green mining
Green mining’ is an oxymoron that is gaining traction in the EU. But it pushes a risky narrative about an environmentally destructive sector. That is why it is being actively opposed by 180 civil society organisations and academics.

Breaking free from mining – A 2050 blueprint
Seas At Risk
Warns about the disastrous environmental consequences of deep sea mining.
Downloadable from www.seas-at-risk.org

Report: A Line in the Sand – Investigating Black Sand Mining in Fiji

‘Conflict and Climate Change’ 18-minute DVD:

Webpage for the Southern Dioceses Environment Network