Rally for Nature on Saturday, Walk for Peace on Sunday! 22nd-23rd June 2024

The weekend of 22/23 June 2024 is a busy one for Westminster Justice and Peace.

On Saturday, 22 June, we will be participating in the ‘Restore Nature Now’ rally, alongside Chris Packham and thousands of other people from organisations that care for and protect our natural world. Before the rally, we are hosting an Ecumenical Service – ‘Creation Cries Out’ – at Farm Street Church at 11.00am, with participation from a wide range of Christian charities and activists. Please come along and join us! Nature Rally

On Sunday, 23 June, we are joining a Multi-Faith Silent Meditation Walk for Peace. Every day on our screens we see reports of the horrors of war. We want to show our commitment to a more peaceful world by uniting in this visible coming together of people from many different faith communities. Join us in Parliament Square and be part of a multi-faith movement. Peace Walk

This weekend also sees the conclusion to Refugee Week, 17-23 June 2024. This is an important time for showing our solidarity with all those who come to the UK seeking sanctuary from war and violence. Refugee Week

Bishop Paul McAleenan – Reflection for Refugee Week